Frederick Navarro, PhD
Dr. Frederick Navarro is the discoverer and developer of the Patterns of Adapting to Health (PATH) covered in his book, Pattern of Health.
Background Dr. Frederick Navarro is the founder and president of the PATH Research Institute. He is a recognized expert in applying health specific language-based assessment to understand the meaning and context of health consumer actions and habits and their relationships to health and healthcare demand. He is the discoverer and developer of the Patterns of Adapting to Health (PATH) system, which has been successfully applied by health care providers and health insurers throughout the US for the past 30 years. With a PhD in health psychology and MA in psychological research, Dr. Navarro’s focus is on continuously validating and expanding the PATH relationships to health and health outcomes and developing applications that further the use of the PATH to understand, communicate, and manage health consumer populations and individuals. Further details about Dr. Navarro can be found on LinkedIn. His research related to the PATH and other areas of health and psychology can be found at |
Pattern of Health
How many times do you remember the ache of frustration because you started a diet that you couldn’t stick with?
How often did you see friends getting fantastic results from the same exercise schedule that you found impossible to bend your life around?
And think of that someone you know whose very life depends on a few simple changes that they just can’t seem to make.
Pattern of Health is a groundbreaking look at these forces and reveals how health related behaviors are linked. Pattern of Health demonstrates that when it comes to exercise, diet, medical care, and overall health outcomes, we may not be as uniquely individual as we thought all along.
Most people fall into one of nine patterns. These patterns pre-determine how they’ll feel about vigorous exercise, diet, medical help and other health-related behaviors.
And when it comes to health outcomes, these patterns show us the answer to some of the most important questions facing our world today:
Are you more likely to develop heart disease or hypertension?
Will you suffer back or joint pain?
How predisposed toward mental illness are you?
Let me show you your pattern and you’ll find your answer in your Pattern of Health.
How often did you see friends getting fantastic results from the same exercise schedule that you found impossible to bend your life around?
And think of that someone you know whose very life depends on a few simple changes that they just can’t seem to make.
Pattern of Health is a groundbreaking look at these forces and reveals how health related behaviors are linked. Pattern of Health demonstrates that when it comes to exercise, diet, medical care, and overall health outcomes, we may not be as uniquely individual as we thought all along.
Most people fall into one of nine patterns. These patterns pre-determine how they’ll feel about vigorous exercise, diet, medical help and other health-related behaviors.
And when it comes to health outcomes, these patterns show us the answer to some of the most important questions facing our world today:
Are you more likely to develop heart disease or hypertension?
Will you suffer back or joint pain?
How predisposed toward mental illness are you?
Let me show you your pattern and you’ll find your answer in your Pattern of Health.