Adaptive Health Behavior Inventory (AHBI): Cognitive-Behavior-Adaptive Dynamics
The Adaptive Health Behavior Inventory (AHBI) is an inventory of adult response to health-related contexts reflecting embodied and self-regulatory dynamics motivated by self-interest. It is argued that the utility of AHBI statements are their ability to stimulate and prime ingrained health related goal-directed actions, habits, and beliefs in response to health-related situational cues. A range of cognitive-behavior-adaptive dynamic elements including lexical and semantic processing, the priming of automatic cognitive processes and social behavior, the determination of cue self-relevance, variations in affective, emotional, and motivational intensity, the priming of goal-directed actions, schema, and habits, selective attention, and action semantics are suggested to be emulated in the response patterns captured in the AHBI. A detailed discussion of hypothesized cortical and sub-cortical involvement is offered.
The Adaptive Health Behavior Inventory (AHBI) is an inventory of adult response to health-related contexts reflecting embodied and self-regulatory dynamics motivated by self-interest. It is argued that the utility of AHBI statements are their ability to stimulate and prime ingrained health related goal-directed actions, habits, and beliefs in response to health-related situational cues. A range of cognitive-behavior-adaptive dynamic elements including lexical and semantic processing, the priming of automatic cognitive processes and social behavior, the determination of cue self-relevance, variations in affective, emotional, and motivational intensity, the priming of goal-directed actions, schema, and habits, selective attention, and action semantics are suggested to be emulated in the response patterns captured in the AHBI. A detailed discussion of hypothesized cortical and sub-cortical involvement is offered.