Wisely Frugal: Q11 Level of health emphasis and involvement
Level: Neutral
Question: q11
Core statement: I am always on the look out for information about nutrition and healthy dieting
Response: Neither agree nor disagree
Intrinsic Motivation: I’m only moderately motivated to think about what I eat and to give thought to good nutrition. I want good health, but I don’t go overboard about.
Recommendations: Focus on the values or priorities of moderate attention to nutrition, and a commitment in principal to good nutritional fitness.
Themes: Visual or auditory cues can show an individual eating foods that are "good for you" (e.g., some whole grain or high-fiber cereal, low fat milk, small amounts of salt, occasional consumption of fast foods). Members of the target audience can be portrayed as saying, "I make sure I eat sensibly. I ordered a book about nutritional diets that I haven't read yet. I feel I have a good, balanced approach to staying healthy."
Further considerations: The adult should appear in fairly good or average physical shape.
Appeal style: Mixture of hedonic (emotional, feeling) and utilitarian (facts, features, and benefits that support good nutrition)
Repetitions: Medium repetitions
Durations: Medium duration messages
Complexity: Balance key points with broad based information
Content emphasis: Combine some active visuals with message elements
Primary medium: Mix of television/radio and print
Fear appeals: Use fear appeals sparingly and carefully
Humor: Use humor to show nutritional benefits
Explicit conclusions: Combine drawing explicit conclusions with letting customer draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Use combination of one-sided and two-sided arguments
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial or medical authority
Spokesperson: Balance of referent and expert spokesperson
Level: Neutral
Question: q11
Core statement: I am always on the look out for information about nutrition and healthy dieting
Response: Neither agree nor disagree
Intrinsic Motivation: I’m only moderately motivated to think about what I eat and to give thought to good nutrition. I want good health, but I don’t go overboard about.
Recommendations: Focus on the values or priorities of moderate attention to nutrition, and a commitment in principal to good nutritional fitness.
Themes: Visual or auditory cues can show an individual eating foods that are "good for you" (e.g., some whole grain or high-fiber cereal, low fat milk, small amounts of salt, occasional consumption of fast foods). Members of the target audience can be portrayed as saying, "I make sure I eat sensibly. I ordered a book about nutritional diets that I haven't read yet. I feel I have a good, balanced approach to staying healthy."
Further considerations: The adult should appear in fairly good or average physical shape.
Appeal style: Mixture of hedonic (emotional, feeling) and utilitarian (facts, features, and benefits that support good nutrition)
Repetitions: Medium repetitions
Durations: Medium duration messages
Complexity: Balance key points with broad based information
Content emphasis: Combine some active visuals with message elements
Primary medium: Mix of television/radio and print
Fear appeals: Use fear appeals sparingly and carefully
Humor: Use humor to show nutritional benefits
Explicit conclusions: Combine drawing explicit conclusions with letting customer draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Use combination of one-sided and two-sided arguments
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial or medical authority
Spokesperson: Balance of referent and expert spokesperson