Traditionalist: Q5 Level of being health proactive
Level: Somewhat disagree
Question: q5
Core statement: I often play in active or competitive sports
Response: Somewhat disagree
Intrinsic Motivation: I’m not that motivated to keep myself in top physical shape. I just really don’t have any reason to. I have no desire to compete in the Olympics or to try to climb Mt. Everest.
Recommendations: Focus on the fact that these adults make little efforts at maintaining good health. They rarely bother with exercise. The commitment to physical fitness is lack luster.
Themes: Visual or auditory cues should show an individual who looks like he or she gives little thought or effort to physical fitness considerations (e.g., appearing very thin and poorly fed, or over weight or obese, sedentary or perhaps frail). A medical professional or peer can be portrayed as saying, "Who really has the time or desire to get out there and exercise."
Further considerations: The physical traits portrayed for the target audience should show or speak to someone in less than optimum physical shape and with a low activity level.
Appeal style: Hedonic (emotional or fantasy), avoid explicit references to fitness
Repetitions: High repetitions
Durations: Short duration messages
Complexity: A few key points - keep it simple
Content emphasis: Active visuals and nonmessage elements
Primary medium: Television/radio
Fear appeals: Use light fear appeals
Humor: Use humor
Explicit conclusions: Draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Two-sided argument about staying healthy and fit (Health and fitness isn't really that important, unless you want to live)
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial
Spokesperson: Referent spokesperson (someone customer can easily relate to, a celebrity)
Level: Somewhat disagree
Question: q5
Core statement: I often play in active or competitive sports
Response: Somewhat disagree
Intrinsic Motivation: I’m not that motivated to keep myself in top physical shape. I just really don’t have any reason to. I have no desire to compete in the Olympics or to try to climb Mt. Everest.
Recommendations: Focus on the fact that these adults make little efforts at maintaining good health. They rarely bother with exercise. The commitment to physical fitness is lack luster.
Themes: Visual or auditory cues should show an individual who looks like he or she gives little thought or effort to physical fitness considerations (e.g., appearing very thin and poorly fed, or over weight or obese, sedentary or perhaps frail). A medical professional or peer can be portrayed as saying, "Who really has the time or desire to get out there and exercise."
Further considerations: The physical traits portrayed for the target audience should show or speak to someone in less than optimum physical shape and with a low activity level.
Appeal style: Hedonic (emotional or fantasy), avoid explicit references to fitness
Repetitions: High repetitions
Durations: Short duration messages
Complexity: A few key points - keep it simple
Content emphasis: Active visuals and nonmessage elements
Primary medium: Television/radio
Fear appeals: Use light fear appeals
Humor: Use humor
Explicit conclusions: Draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Two-sided argument about staying healthy and fit (Health and fitness isn't really that important, unless you want to live)
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial
Spokesperson: Referent spokesperson (someone customer can easily relate to, a celebrity)