Naturalist: Q12 Propensity to avoid health care
Level: Somewhat agree
Question: q12
Core statement: I do not seek help from doctors unless I am really sick or injured
Response: Somewhat agree
Intrinsic Motivation: I really don’t like seeking health care, and I might use cost as an excuse to not get it.
Recommendations: The theme of only seeking healthcare when an injury or illness is very severe should dominate the message. "The pain was so awful we couldn't put off going to the doctor anymore," is a statement consistent with these adults. The mention of cost should be minimized or avoided. The cost or expense of seeking physician care does plays a role in limiting their use, and these adults would think most people are too willing to spend money on a doctor. But the individual sees the expense as a burden and more often a waste of money when most injuries or illnesses get better on their own.
Themes: Visual cues should focus on the individual well or sick. The portrayal of traditional medical settings (e.g., doctor's office, hospital) should be avoided, as should the portrayal of the doctor as the main communicator. Home or work settings should be stressed. Auditory cues should focus on the individual describing how they pursue a doctor's care only when the need is great, and put off seeking care until the illness or injury is very severe.
Further considerations: Keep detailed information to a minimum. Avoid small type fonts or placing key points or statements of relevance within paragraphs that must be read to find. Display statements of relevance in short phrases and bullet points.
Appeal style: Hedonic (emotional or fantasy)
Repetitions: High repetitions
Durations: Short duration messages
Complexity: A few key points
Content emphasis: Active visuals and nonmessage elements
Primary medium: Television/radio
Fear appeals: Use light fear appeals
Humor: Use humor
Explicit conclusions: Draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Two-sided argument about seeking healthcare (You don't need to seek healthcare for every little thing. But for those things that you do, X is the answer)
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial
Spokesperson: Referent spokesperson (someone customer can easily relate to, a celebrity)
Level: Somewhat agree
Question: q12
Core statement: I do not seek help from doctors unless I am really sick or injured
Response: Somewhat agree
Intrinsic Motivation: I really don’t like seeking health care, and I might use cost as an excuse to not get it.
Recommendations: The theme of only seeking healthcare when an injury or illness is very severe should dominate the message. "The pain was so awful we couldn't put off going to the doctor anymore," is a statement consistent with these adults. The mention of cost should be minimized or avoided. The cost or expense of seeking physician care does plays a role in limiting their use, and these adults would think most people are too willing to spend money on a doctor. But the individual sees the expense as a burden and more often a waste of money when most injuries or illnesses get better on their own.
Themes: Visual cues should focus on the individual well or sick. The portrayal of traditional medical settings (e.g., doctor's office, hospital) should be avoided, as should the portrayal of the doctor as the main communicator. Home or work settings should be stressed. Auditory cues should focus on the individual describing how they pursue a doctor's care only when the need is great, and put off seeking care until the illness or injury is very severe.
Further considerations: Keep detailed information to a minimum. Avoid small type fonts or placing key points or statements of relevance within paragraphs that must be read to find. Display statements of relevance in short phrases and bullet points.
Appeal style: Hedonic (emotional or fantasy)
Repetitions: High repetitions
Durations: Short duration messages
Complexity: A few key points
Content emphasis: Active visuals and nonmessage elements
Primary medium: Television/radio
Fear appeals: Use light fear appeals
Humor: Use humor
Explicit conclusions: Draw explicit conclusions
Type of argument: Two-sided argument about seeking healthcare (You don't need to seek healthcare for every little thing. But for those things that you do, X is the answer)
Authority appeals: Peer testimonial
Spokesperson: Referent spokesperson (someone customer can easily relate to, a celebrity)